
Java Character هي طريقة Alphabetic ().

تحدد طريقة isAlphabetic(intcodePoint) لفئة الأحرف ما إذا كان الحرف المحدد أبجديًا أم لا.

يعتبر الحرف أبجدية إذا كان يتمتع بالخصائص التالية:

  • حرف كبير
  • أبجديات أخرى محددة بواسطة معيار Unicode.

بناء الجملة

 public static Boolean isAlphabetic(int codePoint) 


com.codePoint : إنها الشخصية التي يجب اختبارها.

ما هو حجم هذه الشاشة

قيمة الإرجاع

تُرجع الطريقة isAlphabetic(intcodePoint) القيمة true إذا كان الحرف عبارة عن حرف أبجدي Unicode. وبخلاف ذلك، تقوم هذه الطريقة بإرجاع القيمة false.

مثال 1

 public class JavaCharacterisAlphabeticExample1 { public static void main(String[] args) { char codepoint1 = '0'; char codepoint2 = '1'; boolean b1 = Character.isAlphabetic(codepoint1); boolean b2 = Character.isAlphabetic(codepoint2); System.out.println('The returned value for the first character is given as:'+' '+b1); System.out.println('The returned value for the first character is given as:'+' '+b2); } } 
اختبره الآن


 The returned value for the first character is given as: false The returned value for the first character is given as: false 

مثال 2

 public class JavaCharacterisAlphabeticExample2 { public static void main(String[] args) { // Initialize the codepoints int codepoint1 = 87; int codepoint2 = 49; int codepoint3 = 63; // Check if the first codepoint is alphabet or not. boolean checkAlp1 = Character.isAlphabetic(codepoint1); if(checkAlp1){ System.err.print('Codepoint ''+codepoint1+'' is an alphabet.
'); } else{ System.out.print('Codepoint ''+codepoint1+'' is not an alphabet.
'); } // Check if the second codepoint is alphabet or not. boolean checkAlp2 = Character.isAlphabetic(codepoint2); if(checkAlp2){ System.err.print('Codepoint ''+codepoint2+'' is an alphabet.
'); } else{ System.out.print('Codepoint ''+codepoint2+'' is not an alphabet.
'); } // Check if the third codepoint is alphabet or not. boolean checkAlp3 = Character.isAlphabetic(codepoint3); if(checkAlp3){ System.err.print('Codepoint ''+codepoint3+'' is an alphabet.
'); } else{ System.out.print('Codepoint ''+codepoint3+'' is not an alphabet.
'); } } } 
اختبره الآن


 Codepoint '87' is an alphabet. Codepoint '49' is not an alphabet. Codepoint '63' is not an alphabet. 

مثال 3

 public class JavaCharacterisAlphabeticExample3 { public static void main(String[] args) { char codepoint1 = '1'; char codepoint2 = 'A'; char codepoint3 ='B'; boolean b1 = Character.isAlphabetic(codepoint1); boolean b2 = Character.isAlphabetic(codepoint2); boolean b3 = Character.isAlphabetic(codepoint3); System.out.println('The returned value for the first character is given as:'+' '+b1); System.out.println('The returned value for the second character is given as:'+' '+b2); System.out.println('The returned value for the third character is given as:'+' '+b3); } } 
اختبره الآن


 The returned value for the first character is given as: false The returned value for the second character is given as: true The returned value for the third character is given as: true